About Us

Sometimes, the  difference between you and your competitor is knowledge

It is almost universally accepted that the best performing organisations make data-driven, evidence based decisions.

They  perform better because they find it easier to make better decisions, quicker.

But even some organisations who accept this truth still struggle to use their data to drive performance

It’s not that they don’t WANT to do it…….it’s just that they CAN’T do it

We are Professional Accountants and Business Intelligence Consultants

We combine over 30 years experience as Chartered Accountants …

(Chances are, we’ve experienced precisely the issues confronting you right now. So we can identify, understand and articulate these issues.)

……with  an expertise in latest generation, cutting edge BI Tools

(With our expertise in BI tools, we can recommend the product that most fits your needs, and we can also configure and deploy the product to your specification)

We are a “One Stop Shop” for all your reporting needs….we help you GET your data; and we help you USE it.


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Contact Us

Office 17, Building 5
Port Tunnel Business Park
Clonshaugh, Dublin 17
Phone : 01 6877755
Mobile : 086 2453 479
E-mail: joek@drilldown.ie